I had a lot of fun doing the assignments this week. I haven’t done creative writing in so long, and I forgot how fun it is.

Daily Creates

The first daily creation I did this week was onto a museum’s website and picked a piece I would burn, steal, and buy. So I decided to venture to the National Museum of China and do some “shopping” there. I was hoping for some ancient Chinese jewelry and headpiece, but I had to settle for a beautiful vase and a vibbin duck bowl. I stand by my opinion on the non-functional basket.

The second daily creation was to create a national park sign. I downloaded the free national park font and thought it added some authenticity to my sign. I made the sign using shapes on a Word document and then saved the design as an image. The sign says it all. Just don’t do it.

My last daily creation was to share what clothing from the 70s I would like to wear. Half the outfits I saved were Christian Dior, so I apparently would have had expensive taste back then. I also had a thing for long flowy outfits cinched at the waist as close to mid-century modern as you could get in the 70s.

Assignment Bank

I chose to pick a product that would be highly beneficial in an apocalypse off of Amazon and write a review for it. I chose a book that I own called The Zombie Survival Guide. What better to have during the zombie apocalypse? Surprisingly, Amazon approved my review, so either I wrote an excellent short story, or Amazon is lacking in their review of reviews.

I always gravitate towards something pet-related, so why not write down what I would want Colton to know if he could understand me? Honestly, he does understand me when I talk to him. The problem is that he ignores me. What he lacks in social skills, manners, and dignity, he makes up for in cuteness.

Just look at those ears!

It just so happens that the fifth random Wikipedia page I generated was about a German talking dog named Don. I swear I wasn’t looking for anything dog-related; it just happened.

I went in on this story and honestly want this to be made into a short film.

Just a gentle plot hint

I was inspired by the Gotham tv universe when writing this story. I named the character Sandra after Lady Shiva, whose real name is Sandra. She was supposed to appear in the show’s fifth season, but then FOX canceled it and only let them do a final half-season. I never got Lady Shiva, and FOX is on my shitlist. That was also the same year they canceled Brooklyn Nine-Nine. So many people were not happy. Anyways, I found two random fortune cookies back-to-back that instantly created a plot to write a story on.

My final bank assignment was to write a letter to my five-year-old self. Fair warning, it is a bit depressing. I swear I am okay.


I created an outline for a story I am interested in pursuing long-term. I have Swedish heritage. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather both immigrated from Sweden to the United States. I have always connected strongly to my Swedish heritage and love Swedish and Scandinavian culture. While I am not pagan myself, I am interested in religion. I also have a penchant for vigilantes and the supernatural. I combined all three of these themes into a story outline. I am interested in becoming a producer in the film/tv industry, so this is right up my alley.