I am interested in mixing ancient Norse mythology with a modern-day Nordic setting for my long-form story. A mythological tale blended with action, violence, and sarcasm (basically a rated R Marvel movie).

The premise: A young devout pagan is contacted by the goddess, Hel. She becomes Hel’s proxy on the Earth and is given all her powers and abilities, including immortality. The catch? She must rid the world of its most disgusting, vile, inhumane inhabitants. This is going to be fun.

The characters: A twenty-five-year-old Icelandic woman (name TVD) living in Reykjavík as a geothermal engineer. A devout pagan who has lost her faith in humanity often prays to the goddess Hel to bring pain and suffering to those who cause it to others. She gets an unexpected answer to her prayers when Hel gifts her supernatural abilities to fight the injustice in the world.

Hel, the goddess of death, queen of the underworld, and ruler of Niflheimr. Half skeleton, half ghostly white; just some of her powers are necromancy, death inducement, and ice manipulation—daughter of Loki and Angrboða, sister of Fenrir and Jǫrmungandr. Unable to leave the underworld and frustrated with the lack of dishonored souls coming her way, she seeks the help of a mortal woman to increase the traffic flow. Gives the woman her very own powers and abilities and supernatural strength and endurance.

The setting: Reykjavík, Europe, Niflheimr (one of the nine realms and the realm of the dishonored dead); all set in the 2020s

The plot: Learning to control her powers and rid the world of evil all while evading the attention of the world and the other gods, who are not happy about this new supernatural vigilante.

Here is some concept art of what Hel and the woman look like: