This week has been CRAZY.

Between other classes, applying to internships, and everything else I had to do this week, it is a miracle that I have gotten as much done as I have. So please forgive me for being a day late with the two primary photography assignments.

Daily Creates

I was first presented with a path and challenged to show what lay beyond it, I went with bears again.

I was then challenged to create a mashup of two animals. Back in middle school, I made the Pandacorn: half panda and half unicorn. It was beautiful. Since I couldn’t find any photos of it back then, I gave life to another.

Finally, I wrote a Yelp review for something that was near me. Since I was in the family room with my dog lying on the couch, I wrote a scathing critique of the sofa itself. Picture of the dog included.

Assignment Bank Assignments

Have you watched a movie and felt a particular scene just got you? Well, I have. In Disney’s Encanto, I related to Louisa. Specifically, her scene of pure joy and relaxation while riding a donkey-unicorn in the skies. I picked this scene, and here is the GIF in its glory.

Have you ever looked at a video game cover and sarcastically thought, “Yeah, right. That’s totally what this game is about?”. I believe Wii Sports’s body needed to be a little more realistic.

If you’re offended, then it’s true.

Who doesn’t like animations? Like most people, I find the idea of digital animation intriguing but challenging. So when I was introduced to the old-school form of animation using sticky notes, also known as flipbook animation, I was ready, set, and go. After 70+ sticky notes and uploading ten minutes, I had my final product.

We often fantasize about what our perfect day would look like. So why not work out a basic outline for the day if you can have it? My dream day revolves mainly around not leaving the house and having a dog. And food. Lots and lots of food.

You can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse. I think the same applies to the contents of her backpack. Apologies if you were looking for anything juicy.

Becoming a Better Photographer

I chose three photos from my trip to Iceland back in 2018 and analyzed them based on the points made in David duChemin’s book Twenty Ways to Make Better Photographs. None of Them Involve Buying Gear. Iceland is where I have taken the best photos of my life, and I cannot wait to go back there. From this assignment, I have realized that I am pretty good at taking pictures with just an iPhone. It is hard to take a bad photo in Iceland, one of the most photogenic countries, if not the most photogenic, in the world.


I was tasked to take pictures of each of the following prompts in under 20 minutes.

  • Smooth, rough, dirty, or wrinkled. Make a photo of hands that tell a story.
  • Represent or express something loud.
  • Make a photograph that illustrates the weather where you are.
  • Make a creative photo of some sort of boundary.
  • A fork in the road. Casting a ballot. Buying bread. Choices abound. Take a photo of a choice.
  • Black and white photographs are a classic look.
  • Doors can have a lot of character, be it in the hinges, knob, or style.

It took me about 17 minutes to complete, and I did it all in my bedroom. It was surprisingly easy, and it was a quick but fun creative challenge to do at night.