11:00 a.m: I wake up to a coffee and bagels in bed alongside my pup.

Noon: I get dressed in comfy loungewear and take the pup for a walk.

1:00 p.m: Watch a docu-series on Netflix with a heated blanket…and my pup

3:00 p.m: Take a nap with my dog with Lofi on in the background

6:00 p.m: Order Indian food and feed the pup

7:00 p.m: Have desserts and snuggle with the pup

9:00 p.m: Take a bath with a cocktail… give the pup some alone time

11:00 p.m: Paint my nails and tuck in the pup

Midnight: Snuggle in bed with the puppy and watch YouTube videos until I fall asleep