Guess the Story
This is a Japanese urban legend. Good luck! SPOILER… It is the Japanese urban legend of Kuchisake-onna, also known as the Slit-Mouthed Woman. She.
Spring 2022
This is a Japanese urban legend. Good luck! SPOILER… It is the Japanese urban legend of Kuchisake-onna, also known as the Slit-Mouthed Woman. She.
Setting up my site WordPress is one of the most infuriating programs I have ever encountered. I deleted my website THREE TIMES because I.
Bob Ross was the king, the god, the founder of the most popular genre of videos on the Internet: doing a mindless/calming task while.
I am taking Digital Studies 106 because I am minoring in Digital Studies. Additionally, when I had my first advisor meeting when I transferred.
Hallå där. That’s Swedish for “well, hello there.” I am considered chaotic neutral when you look at a personality alignment chart. I prefer to.
This is my first blog post using WordPress. This is where I will be playing around with the various features. Please enjoy my dog.