I would document my day on Thursday because I had classes in person and a hair appointment that afternoon, so I would have a lot of content to play with. However, I was swamped that day, so I had to push the video to Friday.
My one class on Friday, a Zoom class, ended up being canceled, so I slept till about three. I had been up late that night before, so this was justified. I didn’t end up doing much since it was a Friday night. So I mainly focused on finishing up my assignments for this class. The big highlight of my night was doing laundry and attending a last-minute Zoom minute with a group of mine (I seriously questioned why they all wanted to meet on a Friday night but whatever).
After learning from my mistake yesterday of recording one long video and having so many problems uploading it to my computer, I chose to record a bunch of smaller videos instead. I then uploaded them onto Facebook and then, from there, downloaded them and edited them into one video. One narration and background song later, and the video was done. Considering that I didn’t have much content to work with, it turned out pretty nice.