I enjoyed the assignments this week because I love all things design. Especially graphic design.
Daily Creates
The first task was to show a miracle. My dog walking around with a blanket for ten minutes is a miracle.
On Valentine’s Day, we took classic images of love typically found in romance novels in grocery stores and airports, giving them a new life with a caption. Snarky Brianna strikes once again.
My last task was to create a dialogue for an image of a man and a woman working on a WW11 (I think) plane.
Design Assignments
I decided to create my dream tattoo that I will, under no circumstances, get. I twisted the common quote tattoos by having it written in Nordic Runes (the ancient Viking language). No idea if the translation is correct, but how many people in this world could tell you if it’s right or wrong? No one can tell you your tattoo is terrible, making it perfect.

My next task was to create a motivational poster, to which I added a bit of a twist. Dark? Maybe. Twisted? Maybe. Clever? ABSOLUTELY. Read the original post for a fun behind-the-scenes story.

For my third design assignment, I choose to create my wedding invitation. I have no desire to either get married or plan my wedding. I would instead just elope and use the money for a lovely honeymoon. Still, I am a sucker for a graphic design challenge. I feel that after including wine in several of my assignments so far, I should disclose that I am, in fact, 22 and legally allowed to drink.

Read and Reflect
After reading The Vignelli Canon by Massimo Vignelli and A Kid’s Guide to Graphic Design by Chip Kidd, I had a lot of exciting thoughts and realizations about design. Specifically about its evolution throughout time.