Bob Ross was the king, the god, the founder of the most popular genre of videos on the Internet: doing a mindless/calming task while talking about literally anything. What separates Bob from everyone else is that his art and commentary are meaningful and worth absorbing. You can learn something from his videos. One gains something from watching his videos, whether it’s a new painting technique or a new outlook on life.
I watched Wilderness Falls (season 27, episode 4). The first thing that popped out to me was when he said, “just have fun.” Simple, I know, but it holds a lot of meaning. We live in a hustle culture, where one’s career has become such a priority in one’s life that all other aspects of their personal life take a backseat. Nothing can be done that does not aid your professional success. Taking time to relax or do something fun is frowned upon. It is a highly toxic and damaging lifestyle. Bob Ross reminds us that not everything has to be perfect. Lines can be jagged, colors can be off, and your painting doesn’t have to be perfect. All that matters is that you enjoyed the process.